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We are part of a global network made up of expert engineers, technicians and professionals, operating underneath the parent company CIMSENSE.

Our goal is to provide state-of-the-art technology, including data loggers, customised displays and other monitoring systems and technology to keep applications across the globe up and running.

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CIMSENSE Companies

Advantage Controls

Manufacturer of controllers and pumps for the industrial water treatment and cooling tower industries.

Arjay Engineering

Manufacturer of process and environmental controls; Certified calibration laboratory.

Arjay Engineering Gas Detection

Manufacturer of process and environmental controls; Certified calibration laboratory.

Can-Am Instruments

Products and solutions to the lab, wastewater, viscosity, colour measurement, oil in water industries; Certified calibration laboratory.

Carlon Meter

Manufacturer of metres and controls for the chemical treatment (commercial & industrial) industry.

Control Solutions

ISO17025 accredited calibration lab, sales of vaccine temperature monitoring, transportation, and storage equipment.


Engineers, product designers and manufacturing specialists, from supply chain management and PCB assembly, to finished product supply.


Measuring instruments supplier for the life sciences industry.


Single-Use USB PDF Temperature Data Logging.

Global Sensors

Sales of data logger and thermometry products.


Offers of a full line of reverse osmosis controllers.

Lascar Electronics

Leading provider of high-tech data loggers and displays for industrial monitoring and control.


Manufacturer of temperature data loggers and humidity products.


Sales of data loggers and temperature and humidity management solutions to the logistics industry.

Precision Measurement Technologies

Manufacturer and designer of sensors, circuit boards and firmware including Talos lightning sensor product components.


Lightning detection for the outdoors.

Thermco Products Inc.

Sales of thermometry products and high accuracy temperature instrumentation; Certified calibration laboratory.

Transducers Direct

Manufacturer of temperature & pressure sensors and switches.

Water Parts Plus

Industrial water treatment controllers, pumps, and equipment.